
Kalli-Sepa Kaljula talu

(1) Agricultural organization in the Kalli, Pärnu County, Estonia
Address: Sepa talu, Kalli, 88412 Pärnu maakond, Estonia
Phone: +372 5837 7241
Rating (1)
DID YOU KNOW? KALLI-SEPA KALJULA TALU FIE was established 26 years ago. In the 1st quarter of 2024 the company had a total of 1 employees and an average salary ...
Kalli-Sepa Kaljula talu: ; credit info, contacts, taxes, debts, real estate, court judgments, public procurements.
Kalli-Sepa Kaljula talu FIE has been registered on 22.04.1998. The status of the company is active. The company's activity is raising of dairy cattle.
Here you can see company details of Kalli-Sepa Kaljula-talu located in Lääneranna vald, Pärnumaa, Estonia. Phone, map, contact information.
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Kalli-Sepa Kaljula talu Sepa talu. 10415742 (Registry code). 88412 Kalli, Pärnumaa. 4457632. Report changes in data. Fields of activity. Agricultural producers ...
Kalli-Sepa Kaljula talu from krediidiraportid.ee
Kalli-Sepa Kaljula talu FIE Aktiivne ; Aadressid. Physical address ; Physical address. Pärnu maakond, Lääneranna vald, Kalli küla ; Kvartaalsed andmed ...
KALLI-SEPA KALJULA TALU FIE ; KMKR: EE101997669 ; Telefon: +372 5249981 ; E-post: ; Aadress: Kalli küla, Lääneranna vald, Pärnu maakond, Eesti Vabariik ; Koduleht: ...
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